A curated group of like minded individuals who are Masters of their craft. Guest Artists offer beauty and wellness services at Berkana Studio that are centered around the face, mind, body and spirit. They are here to help you rest and renew— to look and feel your best. Please note that each service provider books their own appointments. Come share the beauty with us and experience the ultimate in holistic wellness for the skin and soul. Schedule your service now and discover the beauty of taking time to care for yourself.

Catherine Duncan, MA, BCC

  • Helping you continually open yourself to your life.

    I am an Integrative Spiritual Consultant, Author, Holistic Healer, Inspirational Speaker, and Resilience Trainer, committed to whole-person healing with a focus on emotional and spiritual health. As a childhood cancer survivor and having lived through a NDE, I am guided by both my professional and personal experiences. I have a deep reverence for exploring the sacredness and meaning of life. I will help you open your heart and soul to whom you are called to be in this life and what it means to be fully alive.

    My book, Everyday Awakening, launched in July 2023, and it is endorsed by Mel Robbins. The book contains 42 exercises to help individuals awaken into their heart and soul. Seven months after its initial publication date, the book has entered its second print run.

    Grateful for the sacred trust and path I walk with others, as a holistic healer and spiritual consultant. I will guide you to help your soul unfold: physically, emotionally and spiritually. I will accompany you on your journey along the path of unfolding feelings, passions, questions, and directions.

    My clients appreciate my compassionate and wholehearted approach that helps them experience clarity and joy. I will work one-on-one with you to help you find joy, peace, and meaning in life. I have worked extensively in the areas of chronic illness, life transitions, grief, loss and finding meaning and purpose. I’ve served as a chaplain and spiritual care provider with Fairview Home Care and Hospice, HCMC, and Good Samaritan.

    My credentials and experience include:

    • Master of Arts in Theology and Spiritual Direction Certificate from St. Catherine University in St Paul, MN

    • Master of Divinity equivalency from United Theological Seminary in New Brighton, MN

    • Ordained minister with the United Church of Christ

    • Board Certified chaplain, spiritual director, energy healer, tapping (EFT) practitioner, and certified in neuroplasticity training and crystal sound healing.

    • Covenant Partner with Plymouth Congregational Church

    • Integrative Spiritual Consultant with Minnesota Personalized Medicine and in private practice

    • Public Speaker on Resiliency, Self-Compassion, Self-Care, Learning to Live: Five Awakening Lessons, Living on Purpose, Neuroplasticity: Rewire Your Brain, Change Your Life

    • Former Senior Account Executive for MNI, Time Inc.

  • Let your mind unburden and your soul unfold. I will help you expand emotionally and spiritually through open awareness and connecting with your inner voice. I offer thoughtful, tangible support based in chaplain experience, prayer methods, meditation, mind-body therapies, spiritual direction, energy healing, neuroplasticity training, tapping, and sound healing.

    Just as each journey is different, the pathway through that journey is also different.

    Catherine is a board-certified chaplain, certified spiritual director, and certified in positive neuroplasticity with Rick Hanson, PhD. She offers a range of alternative healing modalities, including Reiki, Spiritual Direction, Healing Touch, Qigong, the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)/tapping, and Sound Healing.

Carmela Nyemetz, BSN, RN, HTCP, RP

  • Carmela believes in the power of energy healing to support the mind, body, and spirit. Her mission is to guide you on a path of self-discovery and holistic wellness, helping you achieve a self-actualized, intentional, joy-filled life and end-of-life through personalized, intuitive healing. She believes that when energetically open and aligned, everything you need that is already within you, can be accessed.

    As a Registered Nurse for over 25 years, a certified Healing Touch and Reiki practitioner and intuitive, Carmela provides sessions that are tailored to your unique needs using a blend of holistic modalities and techniques to clear, connect and balance the human energy system.

    By tapping into the universal life force energy, she facilitates deep healing and transformation, allowing you to release blockages and align with your highest self and life purpose. As an intuitive healer, she helps clients sort through feelings and perceived shifts of energy that may arise during a session to deepen their experience and support their self-healing journey. 

    When not serving clients at Berkana Studio, Carmela works as an oncology, palliative care, and hospice Integrative Health Practitioner at Methodist Hospital, and Healing Touch Certified Practitioner at the Frauenshuh Cancer Center in St. Louis Park.

    Carmela focuses on her own health and healing by journeying into wild forests, sailing Lake Superior, creating art and gardening.

  • Energy Therapy | First session with intake | 90 MIN | $140

    Energy Therapy | 90 MIN | $140

    Energy Therapy | 60 MIN | $100

    Energy therapy sessions promote wellness and healing at all levels: the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. During the session the practitioner uses off the body and/or light touch to balance and energize the human energy system, including the energy centers (chakras) and all levels of the bio-field (aura) to promote whole-person health of the mind, body, and spirit.

    The 90-minute first intake and/or energy therapy session allows for a more thorough and extended treatment, promoting a deeper relaxation response and healing experience. There is more time to address a wider range of physical, emotional, spiritual, and energetic issues, set intentions and more fully discuss the experience after the session.

    How can energy therapy (holistic healing) sessions benefit you? 

    Stress Reduction: Promotes relaxation and relief from stress and anxiety.

    Enhanced well-being: Improve your overall health and vitality. Promotes a grounded and centered state.

    Physical support: Decreases pain (acute and chronic) and fatigue. Enhances immune function and recovery from surgery. Chronic illness and cancer care support.

    Emotional release: Let go of past traumas and negative emotions. Grief and loss support. 

    Spiritual growth: Connect with your inner wisdom, higher self and deepen spiritual connections.

    Manifestation: Empower your ability to manifest your dreams and desires.

Jalashree Pradhan, L.Ac., MS

  • Jalashree is a licensed Acupuncturist and practitioner of Chinese Herbal Medicine with over twenty years of experience. She received her Masters of Science in Traditional Chinese Medicine from the American College of Traditional Chinese Medicine in San Francisco. She is board certified by the National Certification Commission of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM) and is licensed by the Minnesota Board of Medical Practice.

    A lifelong learner, Jalashree brings both a broad and deep approach to a variety of health issues - from pain, women’s health and geriatric care to fertility, pre and post-natal care. She is experienced in the treatment of stress management, and the promotion of holistic preventative health. She has advanced training in gynecological/reproductive health and is also a practitioner of Chinese Medical massage (Tui Na) breathwork and Reiki, which she applies along with acupuncture, herbal medicine and dietary counseling to benefit the care of patients. Jalashree was raised in a Nepali American household. Her deep cultural understanding of the importance of Being over Doing, and her generosity of spirit to promote human flourishing underlies all her clinical knowledge and is the unique quality she brings to her care.

    Along with her clinical expertise, she brings to her practice a deeply intuitive, compassionate, and gentle approach that encourages each patient’s unique potential for self-healing. Her passion is to explore, in partnership with her patients, the possibilities for sustainable health.

  • Acu-Glow Facial Rejuvenation | 60 MIN | $225

    A treatment that includes facial acupuncture with LED light, and facial Gua Sha massage. These modalities awaken, rejuvenate, invigorate, and detoxify, thereby improving tone and brightening the complexion. It is also deeply relaxing and comforting for your whole-being.

    Facial Gua Sha massage comes from a Chinese Medicine technique. On the face, it involves the use of a natural stone tool that gently massages, glides along, and strokes the face and neck. Over time, it makes people look and feel increasingly vibrant and healthy.

    I will begin the treatment with a personalized root Acupuncture healing treatment to activate your channels, fully relax tension, and address your individual goals and needs. The combination of Acupuncture and Facial Gua Sha massage improves blood circulation and balances the Qi. The LED light therapy utilizes different wavelengths of infrared light to treat various skin issues, inflammation, and pain. Acu-Glow Facial Rejuvenation is calming and nourishing for the body, heart & spirit and feels truly amazing.

    The many benefits of Acu-Glow Facial Rejuvenation include:

    • Improves elasticity and promotes collagen production

    • Tones, firms and brightens the skin

    • Releases muscle tension of the face, head and neck

    • Reduces premature wrinkles and stress lines

    • Diminishes hyper-pigmentation, discoloration, age spots and redness

    • Minimizes acne, blackheads, blemishes

    • Promotes fluid balance and reduces water retention and appearance of puffiness 

    • Balances the vital energy of the body, calms and soothes the whole nervous system

    It’s recommended to do weekly sessions for 6-8 weeks, followed by monthly tune-ups thereafter. Caring for yourself in this way will make you look and feel luminous, while also offering moments of relaxation and pause.

  • INITIAL APPT | 90 MIN | $420

    FOLLOW UP | 60 MIN | $340

    Holistic Micro-needling, also called collagen induction therapy, is a minimally invasive therapy that combines the ancient principles of Chinese Medicine and modern technology that uses a hand held devise from Acumicro with very thin sterile and disposable micro-tip needles that oscillate. This therapy is designed to create micro-channels in the skin to rejuvenate and regenerate the skin naturally.

    Generally done on the face, on the body for pain/scars, and scalp for hair restoration.. Initial session will include a new patient intake consultation to assess your individual needs and goals. Micro-needling helps stimulate the skin's own healing process by producing more collagen and elastin to the areas treated.

    Cellular turnover is also enhanced, and the result is firm, smoother skin, even skin tone, and helps minimize acne scars, pore size, fine lines and stretch marks. The sessions are a rejuvenating treatment that will combine Micro-needling with hyaluronic acid, individualized bio-adaptive serums, constitutional body acupuncture, and LED light therapy to stimulate your body's own healing for an enhanced skin vitality and overall sense of wellbeing from within. A For facial rejuvenation series of 3-6 sessions every 4-6 weeks is highly recommended for best results. For hair growth and restoration every two weeks is best.

Gena Schmoll, Advanced Practice + Shamanic Aesthetician

  • Gena is an advanced practice and shamanic esthetician who creates a healing space for both skin and spirit. With over 20 years of experience, Gena is a true master of facials, skillfully blending modern technology with holistic rituals.

    Gena’s expertise extends beyond traditional skincare. She incorporates teachings from shamans, Ayurvedic and yoga practitioners to craft innovative and transformative experiences for her clients. Her unique approach harmonizes ancient practices with contemporary techniques, guiding you on a journey that rejuvenates your skin and nurtures your soul.


    60 MIN | $150

    75 MIN, $175

    90 MIN $200

    Crafted to suit your skin's unique needs. This customized skin and soul rejuvenation facial offers a diverse range of esthetic tools such as derma-planing, nano infusing, micro current, radio frequency, light therapy, cold therapy, peels, masks and facial massage techniques. All aimed at enhancing the overall appearance of your skin and allowing your inner and outer beauty to shine!

    CELESTIAL FACIAL 90 min. $222

    Kickstart your self care journey with this multitasking experience tailored to your astrology chart. We will start with an astrology reading then move onto a relaxing facial while incorporating curated shamanic healing. Our aim is to bring all four aspects of your being into harmony- the phyisical, emotional, mental and spirit.