Based out of Stillwater, Minnesota - this care for life animal sanctuary helps the most desperate of cases and gives them a safe space of love, care and compassion. Home for Life takes in animals from the U.S. and all over the world, including Ukraine and Afghanistan most recently. Berkana sponsors an animal each month to help pay for food, shelter and medical treatments. These animals are never put up for adoption and instead are given a Home for Life.


    My mother was from Cebu City, Philippines. She loved the culture, the people, the food and land. She sacrificed a lot so that I would have opportunities that she could only dream of. She loved fashion and beauty, tweezing brows and blue eyeliner. I am forever motivated and inspired by her. She was love, laughter and beauty full. Berkana finds ways to sponsor the youth in the Philippines to help them grow, learn and make dreams come true.


    Protect the Water. Nourish the Land. Save the Trees and Bees. These were the mantras from my father. I was born and raised in Elmdale, Kansas — current population, 55. My dad was a Farmer, Beekeeper and Logger who loved Mother Nature. He had a kind heart and always inspired me to be a helper in the world. Berkana gives back to multiple organizations including Environment Minnesota, Madeline Island National Park and Friends of the Virgin Islands National Park. We also serve as a site for Ridwell, a company that helps dispose hard to recycle items and keep them out of landfills. Be kind, be responsible and have fun!